What is Search Engine Optimization

What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO in simple terms is process of implementing certain techniques on a website to improve its visibility for relevant keywords in top pages of search engine.
·         Optimizing your website to generate free traffic from search engine like Google.
·         Ranking your website for different sets of keyword.
·         Making your website an “authority” on certain topic in Google’s Index.

How works SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It has two types as
·         Onsite Optimization
·         Offsite Optimization

Search Engines Rank Website Based on Several Factors-

·         Content
·         Keywords
·         Links
Website need to be optimized to meet such factors
Focus more on the content that satisfies and meets user requirements
In a nutshell SEO works on two factors: This is most vital factors for SEO.
·         Meet Search Engine Guidelines
·         Beneficial information on website for the users
·         When these factors are met the website will rank and do well.

What is SEO(Search Engine Optimization) Techniques?

Two types SEO Techniques as:
White Hat SEO: Techniques that search engines recommend and approve to be implementation on websites.
·         Onpage/ On site Optimization
·         Offpage/ Off site Optimization
Black Hat SEO: Techniques that search engines do not approve and not be implemented on websites:
·         Hidden Content
·         Cloaking
·         Door way page

How Search Engines works?

Search engine is a software program design to identify and respond to Specific questions, called keywords and populate the page called as SERP(Search Engine Result Pages) with relevant information available on the web.

CrawlingàIndexingà Search Result

There are three basics stages, step to how search engines works:

·         Crawl- Content is Discovered
·         Indexing- Content is analyzed and stored in a database
·         Retrieval- User query is fetched and displayed
The following are the different type of search engines:
·         Crawler based: software programs that crawl the web –Google, Yahoo
·         Hybrid: Combination of crawler, directory results, Google and Yahoo
·         Meta: Combines all search engines result and compile into one listing: metacrawler.com, dogpile.com
·         Directories: Human edited Yahoo Directory, open directory

What is Google?

Google Search engine is the largest and biggest search engine in the world.
Google mission is organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

The Following are a few recent Google Updates:

·         Panda: Released in Feb 2011- Aims to low rank of low quality thin websites.
·         Penguin: Released in April 2012- Aimed at spamming and paid links.
·         EMD: Released in Sept 2012- Exact Match Domain- Keyword domain but low quality.
·         Payday: June 2013-  Cleaning spam and obscene keywords
·         Hummingbird: Released in August 2013- Meaning of query that a word
·         Mobile Friendly update:  Released in April 2015- Boost to mobile friendly high quality websites.

Why is most important for SEO in your Website?

Fundamental formula of Online Business:
·         Over 80% of the Traffic comes from search engine
·         Traffic works like as oxygen for website
·         Website need to be ranked high in search engine
·         SEO helps in ranking high in search engine

What is Canonical URL

What is Canonical URL?

Canonical URL is a Search Engine Friendly URL. So that you want to the search engine treat as authority.
Other words canonical URL is a URL that you want to visitor homepage.
1)      Canonical Tag refers to identical content on a website but on multiple pages.
2)      This creates a duplicate content issue when Google Index Them.
3)      To avoid this issues canonical tag is used.
Re=”canonical” http://google.com
Followed link crowled/ indexed
Broken Link
Valid Link
404- Error
Invalid -404-Error
Valid – Invalid links
1)      Change of a page name; services:hml-> services.html
2)      Deleting the page
3)      Google Indexes the pages that not exist.
4)      Broken Internal Link
Oops!, so not
Implemented error

What is Canonical URL?

1)      Canonical URL is used for search engine.
2)      Canonical URL tells about that all similar’s URL website is same thing.
3)      Search Engine Count one Things to all other similar type of URL.
4)      Some time same content of website may be accessed from different URL by Search Engine.
5)      In that case, we used canonical URL.
Example of Canonical URL
rel=”canonical” http://naukripakad.com
This is a canonical URL.
This is a HTML Element which tells to webmaster’s naukripakad.com
Links are of one website, which is shown in previous slide considered one website.
1)      By using canonical tag website SEO is also improved
2)      Canonical Ideas is so simple
3)      With this, search engine check the href path at website that belongs to similar content of different pages and considered as one website content.

How to Set Canonical URL?

Let us assume you have same page of two different version of website, but content of those pages exists in different section of website and their background color, menus, and widgets all are differ to each other
For example

Canonical Tag used in Head Section as
<link rel=”canonical” href=”https://naukripakad.com/seo-sevices”>

How to Design a website for SEO?

1)      Research Keywords when designing a search engine friendly site carry out research for keyword.
2)      Placed Keywords Strategically
3)      Include Meta and Meta Title , Meta Des Tag
4)      Keep your content update
5)      Provides enough content
6)      Use images Sparingly
7)      Avoid using frames, if possible
8)      Build incoming back link
1)      Site Structure and page trees
2)      Internal and external linking
3)      Inbound links Backlink
4)      Meta Data including meta titles and meta description
5)      Header Tag(h1, h2, h3……h6)
6)      Content length and quality
7)      Content update frequently
8)      Infrastructure files and codes, including scripts, tracking code, redirects, robots.txt, sitemap.xml and more.
9)      Competitor data(including and analysis of the above for competition)
10)   Report and recommendations based on the initial analysis on SEO consultant, identifiers specifies on the sites as well as opportunities for targeting new search traffic, optimization campaign, this report will included.