Creative Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing Brief Strategy
Step 1: Situational Analysis
Step 2: Establish Digital Marketing Goals
Smart Goal Setting
S  Specific Visits, Leads or Customers
M  Measurable: Provide a number
A Attainable: Understand Benchmarks
R Relevant: Relates back to overall end goal
T Timely:  Include time-frame
Not a SMART Objective: “I want to increase the number of visits to my website.” 
SMART Objective: “I want to reach 20,000 visits a month on my website every month within three months. To do so, I’m going to do X, Y, and Z.” 
Step 3: Define the Marketing Strategy
1.      Segmenting your Target Audience
2.      Positioning
3.      Content Strategy
Content Marketing Strategy
a)      Keyword Research
b)      Content Calendar
c)      Social  Media Posting
You should also consider:
        I.            What your audience is like.
      II.            What topics you’re going to talk about.
    III.            What tone you’re going to use.
    IV.            How frequently you’re going to publish.
Step 4: Digital Strategies and Tactics
a.      Email Marketing Campaigns
b.      Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Tumblr, Myspace, Plurk, Quora, Blogger)
c.       CRM
d.      Web Optimization (Website Landing Page Optimization, Parent or Root Page optimization with primary keyword, every subpage optimization with different keyword, Web URL Structure, Navigation, Header and footer web page optimization)
e.      SEO Strategies (Proper Auditing Website Every page and subpage, Keyword Research, Competitor Website Analysis, Home Page URL Optimization, Meta Tile, Description, Alt Tag, Anchor Tag, Integrate code(Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google My Business Listing, Schema Markup Create, User intent, User Experience, LSI Keywords Research, Boost Website Speed, Google Algorithm Update, SEO Friendly URL, h1 Tag, Sub heading h2 Tag, Responsive design, Use outbound link, Internal Link, Image Optimization, Use Social Sharing Button, Post Long Content, Boost Dwell Time, Add Modifiers to your tile, Quality Content, Canonical URL, Duplicate content, Robots.Txt, Sitemap.xml, HTTP Status Codes, CRO, Redirects, AMP, Local SEO, Ranking & Visibility, Crawling & Site Audits, Backlink Research, Robot Meta Directives, Page URL Structure, Rich Snippets, SERPs, Keyword Placement, Keyword Density, OG URL, Twitter card, OG image, ORM etc.s )
f.        Paid Media Advertising (Google Ads, Facebook Marketing, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Guest Posting, Google My Business Promote, )
Step 5: Measuring Results and KPIs
1.      Get specific with your KPIs by identifying the figures you will be held accountable for achieving.
2.      Get realistic with your KPIs by analyzing your previous digital marketing efforts first – this will ensure you aim for a positive increase on your current results, while helping you to avoid setting your expectations too high.
3.      Identify a method to help you measure each of your KPIs – for example, will you use Google Analytics to measure your conversions, your individual social media analytics to track engagement or a tool like BuzzSumo to assess the success of your content marketing?
4.      Here’s a handy KPI template for you to steal: (Insert goal, e.g. ‘Increase traffic’) by (insert figure)% in (insert number of months).
5.      Before you begin planning your KPIs find out which metrics matter most to your CEO.
How to Analyse:
a.      Determine the time period you would like to analyse and set your Google Analytics calendar to match this timeframe.
b.      Try out Google’s Benchmarking Reports in your Analytics account to compare your progress to your competitors.
c.       Don’t forget to analyse your competitors’ marketing strategy too – create an analysis spreadsheet of their online activities (you can use SEMrush to identify the SEO strategy of a competitor as what keywords are driving the largest volume of organic traffic to their website.
d.      It can also be used to compare the organic and paid traffic of different websites so again quite useful to see how aggressive they’re being with their paid spend.)
e.      Ask yourself this question at regular intervals: is there anything else I need to analyse that I haven’t thought of before :
Example:  Should I be testing the times I post my content or the types of images I use?
Develop Useful Personas:
1)      Start with the basics and note down all the demographic information you know about your target consumer – like Age, Gender and Location.
2)      Then dig a little deeper and identify the problems you can help your target persona solve.
3)      Delve into their emotional desires, goals, aspirations and fears and document all of the factors that could make them tick (think about their conscious and unconscious desires).
4)      You can dive deep into the ‘Audience Reports of your Google Analytics account to identify key characteristics of your target persona like Age, Sex, Career, etc.
5)      When creating your personas this is the perfect time to identify the people who will be of influence to them – these will be the influencers your marketing strategy should target.
a.      Write Fresh Review
b.      Whatsapp Marketing
c.       SMS Marketing and Push Marketing
d.      Youtube Channel Marketing